The Borrani factory archives have more than 8.450 original wheel drawings, starting from the 20’s until the 70’s, for hundreds of vintage vehicles. Classic, sport, competition, muscle cars, Gran Turismo, luxury or less expensive, Italian, European, American… vehicles that made history, on track and not, all “wired on” by Borrani.

Each car equipped, -OEM or less- with Borrani wire wheels, had its own unique specifications applied to its building and construction. Characteristics that still today have been kept during the time, certified, manufactured only and exclusively by hand, on demand and according to the same principals of prestigious, reliability, top quality of one of the most important “Made in Italy” product of this market.

There are many unique wheels designed by the Borrani technical office, some just for race cars and others for road use, and now we are proud to launch the original, 100% correct in every detail, light alloy wheels, again available for our customers: the Heritage Series – the best rim with top quality material and the true original shapes that will look correct while being safer and better performing than ever.

Visit our website sections, discover the value of those wheels, their very important history in the international automotive field and the professionalism of the work that is behind each single spoke, on each single wheel.
Looking at our many historical and archival illustrations, try to imagine your car equipped with those sparkling wheels… check out our photo galleries page and enjoy!

– For more info, assistance or quotes, please contact us –
Published images are propriety of A&M Garage LLC and/or Ruote Milano s.r.l. The Borrani logos and images on our site, owned by Ruote Milano s.r.l., are used with their kind authorization. All rights reserved.